Monday, August 17, 2009

Educations Games

LOGICO whether it?

Logico is learning a new system, developed in Germany since 1993. This device consists of board and sheet-sheet multicolor images of interest. How to use it very easily, so make children eager to play while thinking about answers to various questions in this educational game. Logico recognized internationally with many awards to obtain international.

LOGICO What are the benefits?

Play as a tool that is instructive, Logico make children endure "play", as well as to develop imagination, sharpen logic, and improve their skills. How penyajiannya ax also make the children can learn independently, almost did not need assistance.

What are the advantages of LOGICO?

1. Designed by considering the psychological development of children

2. Tend to enjoy the game as mengasikkan

3. The creativity and imagination

4. Ability to develop cognitive and motor

5. Hone the ability to think logically lead to a problem-solving

6. Develop the ability to identify problems in visual

7. To give up the spirit of abstinence, and self

8. In groups, develop the ability to interact with other people, through discussion debate and debate-a fun

9. In groups, a training vehicle to communicate

10. Excite, because the image colors, the choice of topics, and difficulty level of a very varied

11. Secure and not easily damaged

Easy to play What are the parts LOGICO?

1. LOGICO a board consisting of the equipment and pack some paper-sheet paper berisilembaran image problem

2. On board made of plastic which can be found cleft diselipi sheet-sheet problem

3. On the down side and the right board to replace the track there is a chip-chip rounded colors that tertempel

4. Sheet of paper to load in a matter of one side, and the answer on the other hand

5. On the one (problem) there are cases (the krii) and jawanan option (the right)

6. Problem can also be links between the images on the left and right

7. The entire image or a problem with the orb in a color that coordinates with the color chip on board equipment

How to play LOGICO?

1. Enter the matter in the slit through the top of board

2. Make sure all the colors on the chip board is located at the bottom of the

3. Note the conformity with the color chip color sphere on the image problem (identification process). Color chip on the board representing the problem is marked with the same color orb 4. Find answers (the relationship) the right of any problem with that option is available

5. Slide-chip color representing the matter to the correct answers

6. So forth, until the entire chip at the bottom of the kebagian shifted right, and missed the entire problem

7. To check the answers, pull the paper from the board concerning, behind, and entered again The second sheet of paper that answers a question, marked orb color image on the right in the correct sequence

8. If the sequence of the color chip that has been digeser board to the right (from top to bottom) with the exact same sequence of colors in the image sphere paper answer sheets, the whole matter has been completed correctly.

Sheet of questions and answer sheets

Display questions and answers

Note: This applies to all the problems and all kinds of games

LOGICO (Primo, Piccolo, and Maximo)
1. LOGICO Primo most appropriate given to children up to kindergarten pra-TK/PADU. Loading images LOGICO Primo with simple color combinations and situations or conditions that enable children to identify various things in the environment around them. Display pictures and issues that are presented is very simple, a child's motivation to know more, continue to try, and struggled to achieve success.

Already available:

LOGICO Primo 1 (Creativity pra-TK/PADU) Rp 305,300, --

LOGICO Primo 2 (Creativity TK) Rp 305,300, -- Of the book consists of matter (12lembar) and answers (12lembar), board logico

2. Piccolo LOGICO more appropriately be given to children of primary school age classes 1 and 2. Loading various problems in mathematics, language, general knowledge, and others presented in the image and number, starting from the simple to the more complex level. Package main target is children inculcate sensitivity akan number concepts (number sense), language, science and other knowledge, so ready to learn more in the future.

Already available:

LOGICO Piccolo 1 (primary grade 1 Mathematics) Rp 373,300

LOGICO Piccolo 3 (SD Mathematics class 2) Rp 373,300

LOGICO Piccolo 2 (English Beginner) Rp 373,300

LOGICO Piccolo 5 (English Beginner 2) Rp 373,300 Consists of books, fact sheets and answers to problems, seta board LOGICO General Knowledge Series

LOGICO Piccolo 4 (General Knowledge) Rp 373,300

3. LOGICO Maximo
Maximo LOGICO mathematics is specifically designed to introduce the concept of logic and mathematics to children.

It is prepared in a 4 tiered program for children age classes 3, 4, 5, and 6 SD. Main target to introduce and train children to be advanced a total, subtract, multiply, divide the number and amount; skilled recognize up space and calculate the formula; understand the problem and complete the story with the language of mathematics, logical thinking, critical, careful, creative, and subjects like mathematics .

Already available:

LOGICO Maximo 1 (primary grade 1 Mathematics) Rp 367,600, --

LOGICO Maximo 2 (Intermediate English) Rp 367,600, --

LOGICO Maximo 3 (Mathematics Class 4 SD) Rp 367,600, --

LOGICO Maximo 4 (Class 5 Elementary Mathematics) Rp 367,600, --

Consists of books and board LOGICO

Papan Logico can be purchased separately

Papan Primo Rp. 62.700/pcs

Papan Piccolo Rp 62.700/pcs

Papan Maximo Rp 62.700/pcs

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